Telkom on Friday said it has appointed Naidene Ford-Hoon, a former chief financial officer of the South African Reserve Bank, to its board of directors.

Ford-Hoon will become an independent non-executive director of Telkom with effective from 1 November 2022, the company said in a statement to shareholders.

She has 16 years of experience in the financial services sector and has served as group CFO of the Reserve Bank and Alexander Forbes; financial director of Afgri Financial Services; and serves on the boards of SA Corporate Real Estate, the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors and the Knysna Initiative for Learning and Teaching.

“This appointment has been made in terms of Telkom’s nomination policy and the reason for the appointment is based on the alignment of Ms Ford-Hoon’s skills and experience to the identified board skills gap,” Telkom said.

Ford-Hoon holds a BCom and B Compt Hons (certificate of theory in accountancy) and is accredited as a chartered accountant.